Active programs
Outdoor Learning Centers: School Gardens
Purpose: To establish outdoor environmental learning centers on school campuses and other public accessible places. Current efforts are focused on school gardens.
Support: Current support is provided by a $100,000 EPA Regional 4 Environmental Education Grant that also includes multi-species cover crops and a mobile soils classroom. Historically, over $235,000 in funds were awarded from the following organizations: Caterpillar, Duke Energy, Walmart Foundation, and Z. Smith Reynolds.
Current Work: Efforts are underway with 5 schools in Durham, Guilford, New Hanover, Rowan, and Wilkes Soil and Water Conservation Districts for 2021 gardens.
Accomplishments: To date the program has supported 103 outdoor environmental learning centers in 49 counties. Projects include native wildlife habitat; herbal, fruit, and vegetable gardens; natural resource monitoring of weather, soils, and water; and conservation demonstrations.