Purpose & Mission
The Foundation’s mission is to promote, protect and improve North Carolina soil and water resources for the enhancement of economic growth and stewardship of the natural environment. The Foundation focuses on three key priorities of Improving the Environment, Educating the Citizens, and Building Conservation Capacity.

Foundation 2015 – 2020
Strategic Directions
Develop and enhance natural resource conservation leadership today and tomorrow.
Develop and enhance the Foundation’s financial security to meet today and tomorrow’s needs.
Build the partnership that will enhance the Foundation’s ability to support conservation in the years ahead.
Promote and support the locally led conservation message to create a better understanding of agriculture and natural resource management.
The Foundation is governed by a board of directors representing all parts of the state geographically and exhibiting a wide diversity of professional backgrounds. It employs an Executive Director, a Program Officer, and an Administrative Officer to handle all aspects of the daily operations.