Section 1
- WLRM Sec1 Preface FINAL11
- WLRM Sec1 USDAFS Cooperating Across Boundaries
- WLRM Sec1 NC Million Acre Plan
- WLRM Sec1 Joint Legislative Commission on Land and Water Conservation
- WLRM Sec1 AFT Why Save Farmland
Section 2
- WLRM Sec 2 FECN Working Forest Conservation Easements in NC
- WLRM Sec2 Your Land Your Legacy
- WLRM Sec2 NCFTN Planning the Future of Your Farm
- WLRM Sec2 NCDENR Conservation Tax Credit Program handout
- WL43E3~1
- WLRM Sec2 Landowner Easement Information FINAL11
- WLRM Sec2 IRS Valuing Donated Property
- WLRM Sec 2 Internal Revenue Bulletin 2004-28
- WLRM Sec 2 IRS Charitable Contributions
- WLRM Sec 2 IRS Instructions for Form 8283
- WLRM Sec2 AFT Agricultural Economic Development Fact Sheet
- WLRM Sec2 AFT Farm Transfer and Estate Planning Fact Sheet
- WLRM Sec2 CTNC & CLT Conservation and Historic Preservation Easements
- WLRM Sec2 CTNC Voluntary Conservation Agreements
- WRLM Sec 2 VAD MOU by County to a Town
Section 3
- WRLM Sec3 Dept of Ag NC Agricultural Districts brochure
- WRLM Sec3 Dept of Ag Conservation Easement handout
- WRLM Sec3 AFT Farmland Protection Toolbox fact sheet
- WLRM Sec3 Watauga Co intro for VAD Board 2008 JDorsett
- WLRM Sec3 VAD & EVAD Model Ordinance
- WLRM Sec3 Orange County Lands Legacy Program Guidelines
- WLRM Sec3 NCSU Wake County Cost of Services Study
- WLRM Sec3 NCSU Orange County Cost of Services Study
- WLRM Sec3 NCSU Henderson County Cost of Services Study
- WLRM Sec3 NCSU Chatham County Cost of Services Study
- WLRM Sec3 NCSU Alamance County Cost of Services Study
- WLRM Sec3 NCSLFACAnnualReport
- WLRM Sec3 Illinois Extension Cost of Community Services
- WLRM Sec3 Haywood Countywide Farmland Protection Plan DRAFT
- WLRM Sec3 Guilford County Agritourism Ordinance
- WLRM Sec3 FPP Keeping The Farm In The Family brochure
- WLRM Sec3 Forsyth County Farmland Preservation Guidlines
- WLRM Sec3 Dept of Ag Startup for Agritourism
- WLRM Sec3 Dept of Ag Model Farmland Protection Plan
- WLRM Sec3 Dept of Ag Farmland Preservation Tools Handout
- WLRM Sec3 Dept of Ag Business Resources for Agritourism Farmers
- WLRM Sec3 Dept of Ag Agritourism 2005 Survey
- WLRM Sec3 Davie County Agribusiness Ordinance
- WLRM Sec3 CTNC Protection Your Farm with a Conservation Easement
- WLRM Sec3 Conservation Tools In the Toolbox FINAL11
- WLRM Sec3 CA Farmland Protection Action Guide
- WLRM Sec3 Building Communities with Farms
- WLRM Sec3 Alamance Farmland Protection Plan
- WLRM Sec3 AFT VAD 2004 Progress Report
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Right to Farm fact sheet
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Planning for an Agricultural Future
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Cost of Services fact sheet
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Agriculture Protection Zoning fact sheet
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Agriculture District Programs fact sheet
- WLRM Sec3 AFT Agricultural Conservation Easements Fact Sheet
- WLRM Sec 3 WON Protecting Working Forests with VADs
- WLRM Sec 3 LTA 2010 Southeastern U.S. Land Trusts Survey Report
- WLRM Sec 3 EMMM Growing Communities through Gardens
- WLRM Sec 3 AFF Southern Woodland Owners & Conservation Agreements
- WLE7BB~1
- WL0B0B~1
- WL8A58~1
Section 4
Section 5
- WLRM Sec5 Tax Alert Advice – Substantiating Donations of Conservation Easements
- WLRM Sec5 Financial Options FINAL11
- WLRM Sec5 Finance Options for Districts handout
- WLRM Sec5 Finacial Administration of SWCDs UNC-CH SOG KMillonzi
- WLRM Sec5 CBrummitt Stewardship Endowment Calculation Examples
- WLRM Sec5 CBrummitt Community Foundations
Section 6
- WLRM Sec6 Southern Appalachian Highlands Transaction Steps
- WLRM Sec6 Roundtable Topic Questions 2010 SWCD CE Wrkshp
- WLRM Sec6 National View of Agricultural Easement Programs ATF Report 4
- WLRM Sec6 National View of Agricultural Easement Programs ATF Report 3
- WLRM Sec6 National View of Agricultural Easement Programs ATF Report 2
- WLRM Sec6 National View of Agricultural Easement Programs ATF Report 1
- WLRM Sec6 Example SWCD Easement Ranking Criteria Form
- WLRM Sec6 Example MOU for SWCD and LT Collaboration
- WLRM Sec6 Easement Ranking Form Harford Co MD
- WLRM Sec6 District Easement Program FINAL11
- WLRM Sec6 Coastal LT Transaction Steps Purchased
- WLRM Sec6 Coastal LT Transaction Steps Donated
- WLRM Sec6 Bergen Co NJ Program Summary & Ranking System
- WLRM Sec6 12 Steps to Easement Acquisition 2010
- WLRM Sec 6 Triangle LC Transaction Steps
Section 7
- WLRM Sec7 WL CE Guidance Doc
- WLRM Sec7 Guidance Doc Apend Whitmire CE
- WLRM Sec7 Guidance Doc Apend Whitehurst CE
- WLRM Sec7 Guidance Doc Apend Tinsley CE
- WLRM Sec7 Guidance Doc Apend Sample Annotated CE
- WLRM Sec7 Guidance Doc Apend Ayrshire CE
- WLRM Sec7 EPA All Apppropriate Inquiries Rule Fact SheetWL81A9~1
Section 8
Section 9
- WLRM Sec 9 Wayne SWCD NC Case Study 2011
- WLRM Sec 9 Surry SWCD NC Case Study 2009
- WLRM Sec 9 Polk SWCD NC Case Study 2009
- WLRM Sec 9 Haywood SWCD NC Case Study 2009
- WLRM Sec 9 Case Study Introduction 2009
- WLRM Sec 9 Cabarrus SWCD NC Case Study 2010
- WLRM Sec 9 Buncombe SWCD NC Case Study 2009
- WLRM Sec 9 Alamance SWCD NC Case Study 2009
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
- Pittsboro workshop 4/13/10
- Edenton workshop 5/4/10
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Violations Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Stewardship Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Landowner Relations Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Jubilee CE
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Jubilee BDR Part I
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Jubilee BDR Part II
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Funding Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Example BDR
- NEW WLRM Sec12 CLT Monitoring Report
- NEW WLRM Sec12 BDR Presentation
- Asheville workshop 5/11/10
- NEW WLRM Sec 12 IRS 8283 form
- NEW WLRM Sec12 BDR Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Dorsett Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Endowment Letter
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Landowner Monitoring Letter
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Landowner Questionnaire
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Landowner Tax Memo
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Monitoring Form
- NEW WLRM Sec12 SAHC Project Selection Criteria
- NEW WLRM Sec12 Stewardship Presentation
- NEW WLRM Sec12 tax presentation
- 10.08 Workshops
- 2011 VAD Workshop
- WLRM Sec 12 2011Nuisance Protection BKing
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD Workshop Overview
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD USDA Market Based Conservation
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD Program Details BKing
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD JDorsett
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD Income Tax TFeitshans
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD DOT Sign Policy
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD DOT Impact Assessment
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 VAD CES Buncombe MRoberts
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 Polk Co Ag Economic Dev
- WLRM Sec 12 2011 Market Based Conservation CLowder
- WLRM Sec12 Summary of Working Lands Initiative Workshops